Brookville Historical Society
Montgomery County > Jackson Township  Return to: Montgomery County Map
1882 Jackson Township History                          Return to: Montgomery County Map
  Cemeteries in Jackson Township  
Name Other Name Location Section Latitude / Longitude
Farmersville   South of Dallas & Elm Street in Farmersville
28, SE14
T4N, R4E
39.676767°N 84.424833°W
Farmersville U.B. Church   South side of Center St. behind church in Farmersville
28, NE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.679121°N 84.429045°W
Hisey Stiver, Stover North of Farmersville-Gratis Rd. & east of Preble County Line Rd.
19, SW1/4
T4N, R4E
39.684902°N 84.479076°W
Holp   West side of Clayton Rd. just north of Chicken Brisle  Rd.
14, SE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.701450°N 84.395909°W
Leslie   West of Fuls Rd. and south of Chicken Brisle Rd.
22, SE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.694111°N 84.412723°W
Miller Priser East side of Bull Rd. and south of US 35
5. NE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.736998°N 84.452422°W
Mullendore   980' East of Preble County Line Rd. and .4 mi. north of Baden Rd.
31, SW1/4
T4N, R4E
39.656577°N 84.476720°W
Myers   West of Anthony Rd. at Manning Rd. north of Twin Creek
32, SW1/4
T4N, R4E
39.663264°N 84.447502°W
Old Presbyterian Troxell South of Farmersville-West Carrollton Rd. and west of Diamond Mill Rd.
36, NE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.671818°N 84.373856°W
Shideler   West of Venus Rd. approximately 900' and north of Manning Rd. approximately .43 mile. (location currently not marked on township map)
35, SE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.664172°N 84.388797°W
Slifer   West side of Clayton Rd. just south of Chicken Brisle  Rd.
23, NW1/4
T4N, R4E
39.699597°N 84.395811°W
Trissel   West side of Diamond Mill Rd. and south of US 35
1, SE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.736165°N 84.368366°W
Wyrick   West of Farmersville-Johnsville Rd. and north of Dechant Rd.
9, NE1/4
T4N, R4E
39.727323°N 84.425983°W
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