Brookville Historical Society
Montgomery County OH > Jefferson Township  Return to: Montgmery County Map
1882 Jefferson Township History                Return to: Montgmery County Map
   Cemeteries in Jefferson Township   
Name Other Name Location
Trace, Range
Latitude / Longitude
Bookwalter Rohrer East of Union Rd. and north of Dayton-Farmersville Rd.
15, NW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.714030°N 84.307885°W
Burnett   East side of Germantown-Liberty Rd. and south of Pemberton St. in Liberty
9, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
County Infirmary
  West of Infirmary Rd., southof US 35, and northwest of Montgomery County Sheriff's Office parking lot behind building
2, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.738417°N 84.282750°W
Gettersburg West side of Union Rd. and north of SR 4 (Germantown Pike)
28, SE1/4
T3N, R5E
39.679472°N 84.310010°W
Forney   South side of Forney Rd., west of Liberty and east of Lutheran Church Rd.
8, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.721830°N 84.338616°W
Hardman   East side of Infirmary Rd. and north of Dayton-Liberty Pike , exact location unknown.
2, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
Holderman Kaylor West of Soldier Home-West Carrolton Rd. and north of Caylor Rd. in Possum Creek Reserve
13, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.708691°N 84.261505°W
Hyer Stebbins South of Pinnacle Rd. and east of Soldier Home-West Carrolton Rd.
24, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.694361°N 84.261194°W
Kinsey   South of West Third St. on VA Center grounds, exact location unknown
1, SE1/4
T3N, R5E
Liberty Church   South of Pemberton St. and east of Germantown-Liberty Rd. in Liberty
9, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.718495°N 84.324592°W
Lower Miami   Southeast side of Dayton-Germantown Pike (SR4) and northeast of Infirmary Rd. near Possum Creek Reserve 
14, NE1/4
T3N, R5E
39.711892°N 84.277203°W
Micheal   South of Dayton-Farmersville Rd., exact location unknown
20, NE1/4
T3N, R5E
Miller, Jacob   South of Derby Rd. and west of Infirmary Rd.
11, SE1/4
T3N, R5E
39.721391°N 84.287908°W
Moyer Myer South of Ellerton, OH, north of Farmersville-West Carrolton Rd. and east of Union Rd. (Link to Myer Cemetery, 'Find a Grave') 
27, SW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.674916°N 84.307280°W
Nicholas Hoffman East side of Germantown-Liberty Rd. and north of Dayton-Farmersville Rd.
16, NW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.709400°N 84.327980°W
Weaver   South of Huffman Rd. and east of Diamond Mill Rd.
18, NW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.711068°N 84.357636°W
West Memory Garden   Northwest of Germantown Pike (SR4) and south of Hemple Rd.
27, NW1/4
T3N, R5E
39.686780°N 84.301684°W