Brookville Historical Society

Membership Join/Renew

Membership in the Brookville Historical Society aids in the society’s endeavor to provide for the historic preservation of our heritage through the collection of materials and research. It also helps in the support of the Spitler House/Community Museum, Exhibit Building/Genealogy Research Library and Depot Museum. The Society is an all-volunteer organization.  Membership is open to everyone.  The Board of Directors gratefully acknowledges each member’s interest and support and encourages you to be as active in the Society as your time and residence location permits. Only your membership and donation of your time and artifacts can ensure that the preservation of the Brookville area’s heritage will be possible.

Our membership year runs from June 1 to May 31. For the various types of memberships click on the link below to the Membership Form. Newsletters will keep you abreast of the society's activities and special events. General Membership Meetings are held twice a year - the 1st Monday of June and the Monday prior to the 1st Sunday of December. Paid members may visit the Historical Society Buildings with no additional charge during scheduled open days. There is a charge for group tours.